How Much Does Concrete Grinding Cost ?

Concrete Grinding

Depending on the circumstances and the demands of the task, the cost to polish or grind your concrete floor might vary greatly. 

How Much Does Concrete Grinding Cost ?

Simply because it is so much simpler to operate a machine or a larger machine on a wide area, a relatively easy task in a small space may be far more expensive per square foot than a similar job on a huge area.

To do a high-quality job in very tiny spaces with sharp corners, numerous doorways, and other impediments, a much smaller machine must be employed, which not only takes longer but also requires a very skilled operator.

A basic floor grinding job, which only involves honing and grinding with a transparent coating to reveal the stone on a floor in good condition, can cost as little as $10 per square meter.

It can cost $18 per m2 if the floor contains tile glue, vinyl adhesive, carpet glue, etc., and roughly $25 per m2 if there are already floor tiles or coverings.

The needed finish has an impact on the final cost as well. Do you want a "Cream Finish," in which the surface or troweled concrete finish is polished into a glass-smooth finish using a penetrating form of sealer? 

When a floor needs to be extremely durable and long-lasting, garages or commercial flooring frequently employ this sort of treatment. This style of finish typically costs around $70 per square meter.

The "Salt n Pepper" treatment, which involves carefully cutting the concrete to reveal the fine sand and stones for a more beautiful finish before sealing it with a penetrating sealer, is appropriate for most places, including decks and corridors, living rooms, and commercial spaces. About $80 per square meter is spent on this sort of grinding.

Complete stone exposure When the concrete is chopped down to reveal the complete or the most amount of stone, it is ground and polished, then sealed and polished where a decorative effect is needed. In the house or in places like restaurants, this is frequently done. Typically, the price per square meter is $100.

Other considerations that may affect the pricing of a particular function include whether the function is on a new or old cement. If there are cracks or other damage to be fixed first, the cost of working on old concrete may be "30% to 50% or more," especially as the damage increases every year.

There are a variety of additional effects that can be created, with prices ranging from a few extra dollars per square meter to $50 or more depending on how much detail you want.

Since old house floors were never supposed to be floor and polished but served as a foundation, they sometimes need major repairs. These kinds of flooring can be effectively ground, but it may be wise to consider peeling the floor with a new layer of polished concrete and floor. 

You can get advice on this from the contractor you work with. One of the advantages of doing this is that you can create a really exclusive floor for your building by choosing the aggregate (various stones and sand) and the color of the cement you use.

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